Saturday, 21 July 2012

All Change Time

ok I'm still no good at this regular blogging thing but thats about to change as you may of noticed the blogs got a new look and a new name. hexsweet design has joined forces with hexfreq software to form hexfreq hexsweet design.

  So what does this mean for you guys? basically it means we still provide all the freelance illustration, merch and toy customisations we've always done and you can still commission us just like before. But now we can also offer our web design services as well as iPhone app creation and on top of that we will also be producing our own applications the first our runes companion app will be available to buy via the apple app store in early august. If all that wasn't enough our illustrated book we've been working on since the start of the year 'The Wheel Of The Year Pagan Mythology Revisited' has had stockists confirmed and wil be available to buy by Halloween or Samhain for us Pagans, the ebook version will also be available by the end of the year.

coming soon ;)

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

I've been a bad bad blogger

As anyone who watches this blog probably realises by now is that well I'm not the best blogger really as i keep forgetting to update it, the reason for this is that most of my time has been taken up by creating lovely, crazy things for my customers and those who stumble across my work so this is for you guys! heres a run down of whats gone on in the chaotic world of HexSweet in the last 6 month's.....

December 2011
This ones for all you pagans out there! With yule fast approaching along with a huge uni deadline to meet this was a crazy month so for decembers offering heres my lovely finals from my uni project.

The concept was retro sci-fi meet the norse gods enjoy

January 2012
january was pretty much dominated by my dissertation but in my spare time managed a bit of personal work for the first time in about a year! It was also this month that i joined Flatties 'Just In Time' project but more on that later.

so here we have 3 finished goth pin ups all available as prints email
if your interested in purchasing any of these.

purple widow

modern goth revisited
sex drugs and ice-cream

And finally just a quick figure study sketch i did whilst waiting for my dissertation to print.

February 2012
 planning begins for my final uni project and degree show so this was rather a hectic month and no real illustrating got done all logistics, logistics, logistics.

But i did fit in a toy design
some of you may remember my absinthe tea toy design that placed 3rd in Matt Lunartik Jones "design a lovely cup of tea competition"

the design on paper

the almost completed toy

March 2012
The final Degree project is well underway and I'm almost ready to start producing my main final a full illustrated book! but thats for another later blog.

So in the mean time it was the beginning of two very charity work based months the first this month was designing the logo for Max Zachs (of channel 4's highly successful show my transexual summer).
the brief was to design a logo for his new charity 'Queer And Trans Jews Uk'
the logo can be seen in action at

April 2012
Degree project main final almost done and ready to go to print.
so yet another busy month for HexSweet design including us relocating so apart from my degree work and the move, i managed to finish my piece for Flatties Just in time project and send that off i can't give too many details or show you a final piece until its officially released but heres a sneaky peak.

The just in time show details will be released in my next blog when hopefully i can share more with you.

dragons got a make over

Till next time when i can finally spill my guts about my massive degree project and just in time show.
love to you all
HexSweet x

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Creating artist toys

After years of customising blank toys and diy vinyl i finally took the plunge and made my own artist toys from scratch with the help of Matt jones of lunartik's fantastic self help casting guide available from his site .
  After deciding which of my chacractes to immortalise in resin i began the long process of creating the final toy.

The characters i selected were my signature ones hexfreq and hexsweet the dragons that have appeared in my work for some time.

So the very cut down creation process for Hexfreq and Hexsweet the dragons
So step 1: sculpt your toy out of clay.... then COOK it >:)

Step 2 make your mould

Step 3: get casting

Step 4: paint your toy and make it a lovely box or in this case warn people of its contence....

And finally i created some logo necklaces using the same technique to go with the toys

 I will be selling these online as soon as 3 out of the 6 created have already been reserved! But
the other 3 are currently awaiting paint jobs if you would like one contact me here or @ Once they are all sold i shall be casting a second batch but if you want one of the originals or jewellery featured act now as they won't be around long.