After years of customising blank toys and diy vinyl i finally took the plunge and made my own artist toys from scratch with the help of Matt jones of lunartik's fantastic self help casting guide available from his site .
After deciding which of my chacractes to immortalise in resin i began the long process of creating the final toy.
The characters i selected were my signature ones hexfreq and hexsweet the dragons that have appeared in my work for some time.
So the very cut down creation process for Hexfreq and Hexsweet the dragons
So step 1: sculpt your toy out of clay.... then COOK it >:)
Step 2 make your mould
Step 3: get casting
Step 4: paint your toy and make it a lovely box or in this case warn people of its contence....
And finally i created some logo necklaces using the same technique to go with the toys
I will be selling these online as soon as 3 out of the 6 created have already been reserved! But
the other 3 are currently awaiting paint jobs if you would like one contact me here or @ Once they are all sold i shall be casting a second batch but if you want one of the originals or jewellery featured act now as they won't be around long.